Failing Forward In The Face of Fear

Why did I stop? Stop what? Doing what I’m called to do. Creating ideas and trying again. So many questions I have asked myself. And if I am honest, I would say that it was several things but ultimately fear was in the way. I allowed it. Life’s experiences, my thought process, and the way I viewed my experiences broke me. It broke my confidence to try again. Now, don’t get me wrong I kept trying. But I didn’t give it my all because I was disappointed in trying so my confidence broke. Then I had a “come to Jesus moment.” Keep showing up for yourself Cammie. God has truly gifted you with a special calling. A special insight into the mind of Christ. A higher state of consciousness that many have not fully allowed themselves to enter into. I was that person. It is okay, we all have moments of doubt, worry or any form of fear that can stifle us when we choose. We truly have the power to let it go. I want to invite you on the journey with me of inner self-discovery. The faith to heal and be made whole. The discovery that Jesus offered the disciples and anyone who believed. We truly were meant to have life and that more abundantly. That life source comes from within. Anything that is not of life is death. So what is it that you need to die to? Maybe it is your belief patterns. Maybe it is how you treat yourself. Maybe it is the words that you are saying back to yourself that aren’t kind. I want to invite you to listen to you. Stay in commune with The Lord. Ask the hard questions to God. Get somewhere and be still. Cry if you have to. Read a good book. Take a new class. Do what fills your soul. There is no rule book to this. You have the blueprint inside of you. Take the time and discover that road map within.

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