Healing Is Taking Place in the hearts and minds of people who are being still enough to listen! Are you listening?

“He who has an ear, let him hear.” This popular verse is found in the book of Matthew, chapter eleven verse fifteen. I can break it down even further. Because we are the church and our bodies house our souls, the building is just the building. When God speaks it can be corporately to the church AND also, God speaks to us individually.  More in particular God speaks to your soul (state of consciousness). This requires a level of openness of the heart, mind, and spirit. 

 I have learned on this journey about the gift of hearing and listening. There is a difference to me. Hearing for me means that you are aware that there is sound coming from your ears. Listening is adhering to taking action upon what you receive.

I sincerely believe that God has called and chosen people to deliver the message of healing. This can bring about radical change. I believe that healing and radical change begin within you! Healing starts with one man or woman and from that individual, with their free will God guides them on the path. I really do believe that particular souls have been called and chosen before the foundation of the world. In addition, I also believe that there is a blueprint inside of them to bring about change. 

I believe God already knew that this world would become the way that it is today. However, I don’t believe it was his will that it would turn out this way. However, this is why I believe The Spirit has created souls to heal the earth through healing the state of consciousness. I believe I am one of those souls.

As I’ve shared my journey many times before, I cried out to God. I believe it was a providence moment where God changed and shifted my life. On that day, I was awakened. My light was turned on. In the past, my light was flickering for many years. Meaning, I always knew that I was different. But that illumination came on fully after I cried out to God. I wanted a change desperately in my life. I desired to change the relationship that I had with myself. And I knew that God could help me, I didn’t know how. But as I mentioned earlier, I had the blueprint and so do you:).

Remember, God operates through our mind (soul/conscious), hearts, and spirit. This is where the work begins.

Here are some action items you can take. Pick what resonates with you!


  1. Continue the inner work of letting go of fears, trauma, egoism to be a clear channel/vessel.
  2. Practice being still, meditation, and shifting one’s mind to trust the new way of living being revealed.
  3. Embody the level of oneness with God and take on the mind of Christ through thought.

For more help or guidance along the way, I help others with the tools and steps towards self-awareness, and healing through the power of The Holy Spirit within. I help men and women heal from their subconscious fears, so that they may live whole and healed lives. Click here on my site to work with me www.cammieknight.org/links

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