Having sleepless nights is not always fun, but it could be your subconscious mind being at work and in your conscious state, you’re able to see what beliefs you hold that is…..HOLDING YOU BACK or IN YOUR OWN WAY.
You are always being watched over and cared for, ALWAYS. Truth is YOU COULD NEVER HIDE FROM GOD, never hide from the truth. Never hide from your own reflection. It’s there for your highest good! Promise you!
Many people have different reasons why they have sleepless nights. BUT I’m here to share with you the process of healing, “sometimes” happen within us in our “sleeping” state.
Your soul is ALWAYS at work to heal you, to bring the best out of you for you to live your best life in every way possible. Please allow it to take it’s course in you.
Sometime the things that we pray for or go to God for are the answers that reveal within us or through ppl. Just be OPEN to what happens WITHIN YOU! Because EVERYTHING starts with you.
You could be praying for more love, or a romantic partner, or to be healed from a situation or healed from a broken heart. Or praying for more money, or praying for more happiness or peace. Or even praying for someone else.
Well, often times when you are connected within yourself, that’s being tuned within, you’re able to feel and ALLOW your body to speak. This takes time and practice, but the answers will be revealed. Are you resistant when the answer comes?
I’ve found that the very thing that I’ve desired or prayed for, when the answers reveal and I’ve pushed it away it’s due to an unresolved belief that is rooted in fear. Pause and be mindful of that!
So your fears can be a “block” from “ALLOWING” it to flow into your life. So do me a favor and do an exercise on yourself and say, “am I resistant because I’m afraid, or am I more at peace and allowing the flow into my life.” Sometimes you have to check your fears, not judge them, HEAVENS NO! But check them, meaning being an observer of them. It is revealed so that you can acknowledge what they ARE, to pause, give grace and allow them to pass to step into who you divinely are. NO JUDGEMENT.
Go easy on you, but TUNE IN AND KNOW THE SOVEREIGNTY within YOU.
Here’s some tips to ease into it.
1. Go easy on you, lay hands on your own heart ♥️ and speak to your fears.” I hear you, I see you, I feel you, it’s okay, I’m listening. “
2. If someone hurt you, here’s how you can break that, have grace on yourself in the process. You will in return give grace to them. It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon, but it doesn’t have to take FOREVER. Keep that in mind .
3. Often times when we are unable to forgive or release any sort of pain is can depend on the stage we are in in the process. Or what we will not allow our souls to release because of fear. And it’s okay, be gentle with you and at the sametime owning your sovereignty. You’re worthy of your feelings. You have to FEEL in order to HEAL. KNOW what your feelings are. In time, release them. It won’t last forever, when you know where your intentions lie.
4. Your prayers have been answered, relax and go with the process. TRUST ME, GO WITH THE PROCESS. I am so grateful I did, if I didn’t I would be healed and feel the love that I feel today!
5. Trust your intuition and what is speaking to you from a place of love not fear. There is a difference. When we are still within us, we are able to process and discern the difference. A good gage is this, If it feels heavy then it’s fear, and if it feels light it’s love.
Thank you for listening to yourself ♥️ Your intuition always knows best! TRUST
you can check on my website for more help on your path. www.cammieknight.org